Want to write better sales and marketing messages
without sounding too spammy or salesy?
I’Ve got you covered
At the Creative Copy, LLC, you’ll find everything you need to write amazing copy, period.

connecting with your audience in an authentic way is the key to crafting sales and marketing messages that convert.
Not sure where to start?
Your Copywriter
I’m andrea
freelance copywriter + coffee obsessed
I specialize in crafting compelling content and copy for small business owners, bloggers, and entrepreneurs.
That’s a fancy way to say I write stuff that makes people want to read it.
I know how to hook people in—and keep them reading—with binge-worthy, un-put-down-able content and sales copy.
Which is exactly what you need for your business.
If want to learn and understand how to write really great copy or simply hire a professional copywriter, you’re in the right place.
Learn More
The Free Guide
wanna know the secret sauce to writing really great copy?
It’s not as complicated as you think, I promise.
with the connect + convert™ Framework,
you’ll discover how to level-up your sales and marketing messaging with confidence.